Values + Conflict- Creating my personal values!

My Personal and Project values: (They are basically the same)

Always Important
Sometimes important
Rarely important
Never important

Gaining rewards
Dignity, honesty and respect

Wealth and fame
Creating Opportunities
Intrinsic motivation

Working with and depending on others

Continuous Growth

Listening with the heart

Networks and friendships

Changing lives (the world by extension)

Development (of individuals and communities)

Inspiring others


Connecting with others

Helping (with love, care and kindness)

Eradication of poverty

Dedicated service

Making a difference



*Table Showing my personal and project values*


1.     Does the values of my project align with my personal values?
Yes, because my values help me to grow and develop. They help me to create the future I want to experience. Hence the reason why I merged both set of values together.
As an individual, I, as well as my organisation (Golden Opportunities), is involved in making hundreds of decisions every day. The decisions made are a reflection of my values and beliefs, and they are always directed towards a specific purpose. That purpose is the satisfaction of my individual or collective (organisational) needs.

2.     Is your project built in a way that you can honour your personal values in regards to family, work life balance etc. Do you need to adjust anything?
My project definitely honors the foundation on which my values were shaped. I carried and passed on my personal values into my organisation, which made me come to the realization that everyone works according to their own ability and all they need is a little guidance and love.

3.     Does the work you do hold to values that keep you inspired when dealing with the more mundane project tasks or when things aren’t going to plan?
Yes it does because I have this determination and persistent that cannot easily be phased by difficulties or road blocks. So no matter what challenges I face, I tend to make my way around them in order to fulfill the mandate at hand.

4.     Can you identify how your values will help you make future decisions? Saying yes or no depending on how they sit with your personal/project values.
Having a clear understanding of my values enable me to think clearly about the decisions I make daily, in relation to any and all aspects of my life.  When a new opportunity arises, whether it is an upcoming event, a new job, a family issue or I have to get my foundation onto a huge project, I am more than ready and able to carefully consider my values in making my decisions.

5.     Think about your mission statement – does this reflect the values you have identified?
They certainly do because ‘Golden Opportunities’ is all about empowering, supporting and educating; just as much as my values are!


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