Field Work!

Project: Global Youth Day (in my community) - This was a project organised by a church in the community, in collaboration with the Golden Opportunities Foundation. We assisted in the planning, donated cookies and cupcakes, and went out doing health checks and other activities with community members.

Always important
Sometimes important
Rarely important
Never important
Self- sacrifice
Working with others




Making a difference

Changing lives



1.     Are the any differences between what they understand about the project and what you think are core?
From the responses that the people gave, they clearly understand what my project is all about and it reflected clearly in the Global Youth Day- Making a meaningful difference.

2.     Are there any areas that they have mentioned that aren’t in your mission statement that they think are core to the business/project?
They thought that the core aspects of the Foundation was reflected in the project. They simply suggested that diversity should be a significant component. Overall, they thought that the project is very important and that all of the core values if the project are reflected everywhere and in everything we do!


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