Combining perspectives!

  •  A conflict I had with a friend recently:

The present value of education (degrees).
He was trying to convince me that since everyone has a degree, it is becoming less important. However, I made a counter argument by pointing out how rare degrees were in the past and that the increased access to education is not devaluing degrees.

  • My perspective:

Even if everyone has access to education and obtain degrees, does not mean the value decreases or they (the degrees) become less significant.

  • His perspective:

Degrees are becoming less important; as everybody has or can get one and people lose respect for those who hold degrees, like its nothing.

  • The overall purpose and what we are both trying to achieve:

The overall purpose really, is to analyse the increased emphasis on degrees in society, and whether or not having so many college and university graduates with degrees, actually makes degrees less significant. Therefore, whoever has access to an education should go ahead and obtain it. There is no such thing as being over educated.

  • What combination of both will achieve the purpose most effectively:

So in order to achieve this purpose, we should simply agree that although there are undoubtedly a few issues with increased levels of education and everybody obtaining a degree, we can only progress as a nation and people if everyone is educated to their maximum ability.


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