Values and Conflict- Cross over of beliefs

Cross over of beliefs- 
"Everyone should be free, comfortable, happy, and treated fairly." -LJ.

My Beliefs
Their (alternate) Beliefs

Discrimination should be prohibited, whether direct, indirect or it is based on a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation.

People have the right to express how they feel about something they don’t feel comfortable with, whenever they feel like.
Sexuality can be toward the same, opposite or both sexes- it is all about one’s choice.

We should only be attracted to the opposite sex.
Support and protection should be provided for those who made choices contrary to that of society, however they are just as equal.

If they are equal to us, they need not to be provided with special support and protection.

1.     My beliefs about sexuality and equality:
Found in the above table.

2.     The alternative beliefs of another:
Found in the above table.

3.     How these beliefs cross over in terms of values – what can be included in my ‘purple’ box?
We simply have to accept that the feminist literature has been ambivalent about the myths of differences in sexuality. Sometimes they are rejected as false beliefs, sometimes they are accepted as a true but perverse condition resulting from male dominance, and sometimes they are portrayed as true differences that show women's superior virtue.
Therefore, we have to accept the fact that not everyone is the same and we all have our choices to make in life, for our own happiness and comfort.

4.     What aspects can’t be combined or that you can’t find common ground on. How might you come to a compromise?
Relating to the first and second belief, there should be no discrimination of any kind, especially when it comes to sexuality. No matter how we see people based on their sexuality, we should respect and appreciate them.


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