Thinking Ahead!


Our ambitions and plans change as wee grow and so we may become more realistic or our priorities might change.
Here is a timeline plotted for Golden Opportunities For All:

2014- recognized that the children in my community had a significant need for clothes, shoes, food and stationery supplies. As a result, I thought long and hard on how I could assist.
• Later that year- I started emptying my closet, made small packages with food and other supplies, then gave them out to a few of the children.

2015- made the largest donation after Tropical Storm Erika ravaged our island. I gathered all the supplies I could, got a significant number of donors and went out into the affected areas to get items to them.

2016- donated care packages and essential items to an elderly home and homeless shelter.
• Assisted in the construction of a residential home for a family of 6.
• Started a Community Enhancement Project (as the Community Service Director).

2017- named official Youth Champion for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment by the High Commissioner of Canada.
• Participated in Radio and TV Empowerment Campaigns.
• Was invited as a guest on a show called 'Get Empowered'.
• Hosted educational sessions on gender equality, empowering the youth, volunteering and the importance of education.
• Officially launched Golden Opportunities For All (GOFA).
• Hosted a project in collaboration with West Dominica Children's Federation and Austrailia Aid- "Grow what you eat. Eat what you grow. Prepare Healthy meals." This was done at the Trafalgar Primary School.
• After Hurricane Maria- Volunteered with PAHO and the Ministry of Health as a health promoter. Also, with Cobra Tours as a Relief Administrator. Delivered education and relief supplies to those who needed it most.

2018- officially registered GOFA as an Non-Government Organisation (NGO) of Dominica.
• Partnering with other NGO's to collaborate in various projects, donations and contributions.
• Received the Esteemed Queen's Young Leader Award for 2018- featured in various newspaper articles and radio interviews, informing, educating and empowering the youth.
• Continued donations of relief supplies a Primary School (Savanne Paille Primary School).

"It is very important for each and every one of us to plan out our ideas, stick to those plans and stay positive! Great feats will be reached!" - Lakeyia J.


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