Mapping My Personal Geographies

In this section, I will specifically mention my significant fears, changes and uncertainties that I think has erupted in my community, country, and the globe by extension. I will also include maps of the challenges and changes of the world I always dreamt of!

My Organization: Golden Opportunities For All (GOFA). Chairty and Volunteer Foundation!

Geographies of Challenge (by groups):

Dominica has a low economic growth rate, however, although there is a need for the use of social responsibility monies for the poor, the money is most times pumped into other areas of the economy, especially tourism and agriculture.

the political system is designed in a such a way that the poor tend to remain poor. However, they are still assisted through low cost funding, education and the provision of minimum wage employment.

getting/rallying people to volunteer can be challenging because as a leader, you have to constantly motivate the people, leaving little or no room at all for growth or implementation of ideas.
I attend College, and so the time that I need to get GOFA up and ready is very limited, though I am dedicated.

people have the heart of helping; there is difficulty in determining who, where and how to help.
• I have observed the mentality of every man to himself and it is sort of hard to empower the poor in our society, which is the main vision.
• those who we want to help get out of the situation are sometimes not open to experience the discomfort of that transition.

Geographies of change:

My dream is to live in a world where:

• our economic stability would be at a place where monies are allocated to every aspect of the economy, especially for the poor and vulnerable
• cooperate businesses will be willing and able to contribute more to communities, and become fore fronts in providing funds

• there is absolutely no gap between the rich and the poor
• leaders do what they always said they would do and do not resist change nor block or prevent the implementation of those changes
• political leaders will invest in the idea of eradicating poverty amongst our people.

leaders are empowered and passionate, can dedicate their lives to serving charity.
we have teams who can be led by someone who doesn't have to be leading the team and coming up with great ideas.
leaders like me have the financial resources to make the changes we want to see.
volunteers are wholesomely dedicated to what they do and take it seriously

Community/ Society:
• communities genuinely want to help those in need and one where there is a common motive to give a helping hand.
• people applaud the work that those like me and so many others do, without wanting to break down the foundation being built for greater things and recognise the true impact being made.


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