Leadership is Greatness!

Leadership is more than just standing in front of a group and telling them what to say, what to do, where to go or how to live their lives. Leadership is about freedom. Leadership is about betterment. Leadership is about acceptance.

Firstly, allow me to elaborate my definition of leadership- "Leadership is about having a passion for nothing less than excellence and making a difference. It's about ensuring that others are made better in your presence and that the impact is forever felt in your absence!" -Lakeyia J
I chose to define leadership this way because I always have and will always believe that when you lead, those whom you come in contact should never doubt your ability to make a difference. People should know that your main drive is as a result of passion and excellence and that you are destined to not just improve yourself but everyone around you.

As one of my favorite inspirational writers, Robin Sharma, mentioned and I quote "The leader's job is to see the best in human beings who have never caught sight of the best within themselves." People seldom see the best that they possess and sometimes the only person who can extract all the greatness is a great leader. It matters not where the person comes from or what that person has been through- if it's there, it deserves to be seen, recognized and appreciated.

The next amazing writer known as the famous Stephen Covey, states that "What you do has far greater impact than what you say!" Of course I'm in total agreement because evidently, when we do something for someone, they tend to feel a sense of love as opposed to when you simply say what you 'want or going' to do. So a great leader ensures that he or she not only say what they look forward to doing but instead make a move and JUST DO IT!


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